Ferroalloys Zone

Ferro Molybdenum
#FJ 60%

Pricing Details

Production Time: 25 Working Days
Call for Pricing
Please let us know specification you need.

Other terms and conditions will be contacted for negotiating.

Normal Production Time
25 Working Days

Country of Manufacture

Additional Information
We can do all-in-one, one stop service.

If you have more than 2 items ordered , we can prepare them into warehouse at loading port,
for shipping in one vessel to one destination port with one consignee.

Guarantee, You can save money and more easier to make deal with us.
Julia Zhao
Raintree International Trade Company
operating manager
Oversea office
Suite No. 8 2196 W 39th Ave Vancouver BC
Vancouver, BC V6M 1T5
(160) 428-80052